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Name: Akatsuki Ayumi
Gender: Girl
Age: 19 (One more year, I'm longer a teenager... T_T )
Birthday: 15/05/90
Location: In the world of good musics together bishies~! Real life and animated alike.
Ethnicity: Chinese
Likes: Anime, Bishies, yes bishies.. dunno wat it meant? find it out urself.. =P And extremely good and original musics. Not copycats or translated musics.
MSN: julietromeo_noname@hotmail.com


Shie Yunn E Jen
Kimmy Shannon
U Zhing Yinky
Iona Tan Janielle
Amerie Shinyi
LadyKnight Kaera
My Multiply Hescafe
Caffy Lance
Akira Hito-uke
Guki Teoh Cherylyn
Joanne Ng Tzezumi
Joanne Wee Shirae
Ryanne Phan Yuuiki aka Angie

.interesting links

Huzir Sulaiman Kenny Sia Assignment Bloggy



Titled: Apprehension
Created By: X_angawhomps for CB
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe ImageReady CS, Microsoft FrontPage 2002
Credits: Image from Aethereality
Friday, October 01, 2010
My blog is sooo dead... OTL

Anyways, I'm back to writing fanfics but I never uploads them.. teehee... xp
# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 11:03 AM |
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
YOO~~~ Glad to see ya guys... SOrry for the absents for like5 months? O_O! Time passes by so fast, don cha think?

Anyways, I'm more on FB now.. thinking of switching to Twitter or Plurk but i dun really know any1 who has them...

Now~... since i hv more time doing some spamming here, I'll try to update more on this blog.. xp

Weiss/Kar Yee/Ayumi
# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 11:43 PM |
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Huuu... Sorry for the real slow update guys! Xp I was uhh... oogling (is it a word?) To tell you the truth, I had my worst semester in Uni so far. Damn group members, it's just the start of a new sem of 1st year degree, and they acted like this?!? wtf... This was the main reason I wasn't able to update much... =w=

Pushing those aside, I'm gonna update with something I enjoyed writing. ANIME UPDATES! XD Oh yea... Plus a movie to make up for the absence... x3

Warning: Might contain spoilers and flaming

Asura Cryin'

I've dropped Asura Cryin' at ep5 after finding out that the anime wasn't really my cup of tea. Slow story development. From what i heard from ma fellow friend, they kinda rushed at the back and stopped aburptly (which is why they have second season!) I couldn't help but to whine over the main hero for being so helpless! (for the five ep i watched) Plus I don't really like too much talkings (but hey, it explain things up!) would prefer to have flashbacks rather than talks.. =w=

Darker Than Black -Ryusei no Gemini-

One of ore-sama most anticipated anime!! XD gosh, I forgotten how does feel like being an otaku again. Waiting for its release, cosplaying it like mad(na, i didn't cosplay darker than black) and talk non-stop bout it with fellow otakus.. 8D Hei is back! WEE~ he's one of the rare droopy eyed bishies that looks good! yummy~ though it haven't aired yet (this coming Thursday, mark your calenders!) i just had the urge to update it.. =p call me desperate.. XD

Inuyasha: Final Act

One word: sucked (big time). Sorry Inuyasha fans... I've been trying to follow up with the first series.. but the repetitive plots for every single episodes made me sleep.. =w= Honestly, who would go over 200 episodes (includes bleach, naruto, conan, sailormoon, dragonball[hey, there's even new season this year]) major casts.. slow development etc... somehow if you have skipped the entire season but with basics bout the chracters, this Final Act will not appear to be too blur for new viewers... I;ve read the manga and the ending was totally predictable for a shoujo manga (i know some calls it a shounen but for me it lies more to shoujo). Should I continue to follow the anime? It's a BIG NO.

Miracle Train

One announcement: My crazy fangirl otaku side of me is back!!! Though the plot was lame, but it's an eyecandy for me on my weekends and darker days. The guys are hawt. There're tonnes of BL hints (wink). My fav currently ish Roppongi. x3 yeap the 6 bishies are physical personifications of the 6 most frequented by passengers along the Oueda track. Ghee hehe... I can feel myself getting horny.. xp I have the feeling that the train conductor is a bishie too despite him wearing an eye mask.. XD Will continue watching for moar bishies, BL hints and the infos bout the stations.. x3

Nyan Koi!

One of those rare shoujo anime that involves romance that actually made me watch it. It's a comedy romance which emphasize on more comedy rather than love stories so far. Story's about this guy allergic to cats love a cat-loving girl. He has a curse cuz he 'beheaded' a cat statue. And to redeem his sins, he will have to do 100 good deeds towards the cats. (reminds me of 100 deeds of ____) can't remember the whole title. It focuses on the person turned to a dog while this focuses on cats with the hero NOT turned into 1.. XD

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

I'm a huge fan of the story since young. Loved playing the game from KOEI called Dynasty warrior. Currently hooked to DW6. x3 Need I say more?

Tatakau Shisho: Book of Bantorra

1st episode not bad... The animation reminds me so much of Chrome Shelled Regios.. XD

The Tale of Mari and 3 puppies

It's a heart warming story of a dog and her three puppies when the earthquake strike a village. I cried throughout the show.. ;w;

Signing out,
Weiss/Ayumi/Kar Yee

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# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 1:27 PM |
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
HIYA! It's been a long time ever since I updated my blog.. hehe...

Anyways, I'll be updating on my trip to BO last month on 18 July and my campus' Sports Carnival last weekend on 2nd August!

It's a promise.. >3

Signing off,
Kar Yee/Weiss/Ayumi

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# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 11:01 AM |
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Yet another gamer friend have left again. This time its Goldon anak Molling. The only Bidayuh in my University. He was supposed to do Biochemistry with me but now he's going Russia to study Medicine! I wish that gold fish of ours best of luck! XD

During our farewell gathering in Ipoh Jusco, we went to watch Transformers 2.

There goes my L4D, DOTA and Killing Floor partner... =_=

As for Transformers 2, I'm not going to write any sypnosis here. It'll be wasting my page. =_= I'll just straight go to the review part ok?

Storyline - poor (you'll know why later)
Humour - not bad (spoiler! - I'm right undermeath the enemy's scrotum!)
Originality - It's based on the animation. Wat u expecting?
Musics - Awesome! Loved the new song from Linkin Park's New Divide. I wanna go for their concert in August!!!
CG - Not bad. There's till flaws in it. (i'll show you why later)

I only had great laughters in the show and the actings. Sam's actor(Shia Lebeouf) was good in acting like a person got drugged when the thing activated in his brain. But there's still burning questions!

Read this website and you know why:

My questions left unanswered. Typical Hollywood movies that only aims for our walllets and our wallets only.

Daicon is coming in less than a week. A seiyuu is coming. But I'm not going...

1. Want to finish assignment ASAP before Bon Odori.
2. Not intersted in the seiyuu. *her singing was so-so. If I would be more hypocrit, her singing sucks... =_=*
3. No cosplay plans. (maybe I can wear back those old costumes.. hmm?)

There's only one attraction that made me wanna go was the 59th Street where they re selling JE stuff. JE as in Johnny Entertainment not Junjou Egoist. XD The company that manages Kat-tun, NEWS, Arashi and Hey Say Jump! I wonder is Ikuta Tohma was included.. =/

Some how I don't like I'm that otaku-ish anymore. Hmm, need to join more events to buff up... XD What happened to the fangirl in me? *pokes her*

Anyhow, I found myself falling for Hiroki Aiba one more time. XD Aibacchi!

He fulfils most of my dream guy's criteria:
1. A little shy but not too shy. (I loved how they went gu-gu-ga-ga at times. Feel like pinching them on their cheeks. XD)
2. Shows feelings through actions.
3. Boy-ish looks that have feminine features. (pretty boys are so in eh?)
4. Loves dancing (but I cant... Meh suck in it.. >>)
5. Straight-forward
6. That actually looks good with fang like teeth which adds his charm points (not many guys looked good with it)

and many others that I will not list them here. XD

Alright, I shall end here~ Before I start blabbering bout my endless reports. T_T

Signing out,
Kar Yee/Weiss/Ayumi

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# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 11:40 PM |
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hiya! Sorry guys for the super uper late update again.. XD

My 1st degree em just started and boody hell... I'm getting busier day by day! O_O!

Currently playing Granado Espada. Hmm, not a bad game. Just that my com dont hv the higher specs.. T_T lagged like shit when the whole mob attacked me...

I'm currently hooked on 07-Ghost mainly because of BURUPYA!!! That cute little pink rabbit looking with wings and lion's tail... got a few snapshot of it from the animation.. >D

Signing out,
Kar Yee/Ayumi/Weiss

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# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 3:49 AM |
Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Belated Bday to me~ *got thrown with rotton fruits instead of confetti* I know I'm LOA... XD According to physiosexual psychology, I'm considered as a young adult. WTH, I'm not a teenager anymore??!

Sorry for the super duper late update again. It's already 1 month after my latest update in April... Made me thinks that time flies so fast.. Aih... And I start to feel old too...

So, now I'm in degree, everything's normal. GANBATTE to all my fellow friends and peers. Together we shall take a step forward.. 8D (I'm being positive minded here)

I'm starting to miss u guys~ It's such a lonely world out here. When there's a meeting there'll always be a farewell... ish.. How I hate to admit that I'm inferior... =w=

Anyways, I went to visit my 1st tailor in Ipoh to get my costume done today. It failed cuz the costume was too complicated n she dun hv the confidence in making it. My 1st impression on the tailor is she's good and honest.. Unlike those who'l just eat your money and give you crappy results...

This is my costume~ Some may say it's super duper hard to do... Well, I'll say it's quite ok if you have enough references... which I'm lack of... =w=

Some may ask what am I busying at lately. I'll be honest this time. I've got my hands full from the blood donation campaign... And I'm not being able to back this weekend at all... T___T I want my pillow~

Signing out,
Kar Yee/Weiss/Ayumi

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# posted by Akatsuki Ayumi | 8:37 PM |